Eddie Barbanell is an American actor who, regrettably, has Downs Syndrome; nevertheless, this has worked to his advantage in his professional life; his most well-known part was as Billy in the 2005 film “The Ringer.” He was born on the 14th of August 1977 in Coral Springs, Florida, and is the father of two children.
Eddie Barbanell’s net worth as of early 2017 is unknown. His net worth, according to sources, is estimated to be $500,000, with the majority of his fortune derived from his acting career, which started in 2000.
Eddie Barbanell Net Worth : $ 5,00,000
Lets check out updated 2021 Eddie Barbanell Net Worth Income Salary report which is given below :
Eddie Barbanell’s Salary / Income:
Per Year: $ 4,00,000
Per Month: $ 32,000
Per Week: $ 8,000
Per Day: | Per Hour: | Per Minute: | Per Second: |
$ 1140 | $ 19 | $ 0.3 | $ 0.05 |
Eddie Barbanell Wiki
Net Worth | $500,000 |
Date Of Birth | August 14, 1977 |
Place Of Birth | Coral Springs, Florida |
Profession | Actor |
Eddie Barbanell FAQ
- How did Eddie Barbanell get so rich?
- What is Eddie Barbanell Earning per day ?
- Lets check out Eddie Barbanell Wife / Husand Net Worth ?
- How much does Eddie Barbanell make per day?
- How much Eddie Barbanell Net Worth ?
- How Eddie Barbanell become rich ?
- How does Eddie Barbanell make money ?
- What is Eddie Barbanell Income ?
- How much Eddie Barbanell Salary ?
- How old is Eddie Barbanell Age ?
- How tall is Eddie Barbanell Height ?
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